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dream incubation




    Sylvia is lucky, her friend Mathilda is one of the dream interpreters I have trained and so Sylvia often asks her to analyze her dreams…, and following this she has been encountering some intriguing experiences.


    dream,dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation,incubation:what are dreams

    For example how could Mathilda know that Sylvia had forgotten to take her pill ?  Mathilda didn’t know but the dream she interpreted knew it and came immediately to warn the dreamer of her omission.

    Did Mathilda know the future when, following the interpretation of a dream, she suggested that her friend leave her boyfriend Bernard before he leaves her ?

    Mathilda does not see into the future, but the dream does :


    Sylvia dreams :

    I see a beautiful blond woman in a swimming pool. I suddenly see her being “taken from behind” by her boyfriend and she leaves immediately after.


    dream, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation,incubation:what are dreams , 


    Mathilda warns Sylvia, represented by the beautiful blond, that Bernard is going to play behind her back, probably dump her for another woman. Sylvia should leave him immediately before he leaves her.


    And what happens ?

    Sylvia doesn’t listen to her dream, she is in love and wants to stay with her boyfriend. Two weeks later she faces the humiliating fact that he has preferred to share his bed with another girl.


    dream, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation,incubation:what are dreams ,

    Now let’s again consider the “benevolence” of dreams

    Sylvia is unhappy at work and wants to quit her job. She would like to have a dream to guide her, but she knows that Mathilda is absent at that time, so she could not interpret it. Sylvia wonders what she should do. So she asks for a short, clear, simple dream that she can understand on her own. 

    Her question is :

    - Tomorrow, should I tell my boss that I want to quit ?


    Her dream

    All night Sylvia hears the famous German singer Lafee singing her disco song “Shut up, shut up, shut up!”


    dream, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation,incubation:what are dreams , 


    So she understands that she shouldn’t say anything !


    So, the next day Sylvia doesn’t say anything. In the afternoon her boss tells her that the company is closing shop for two weeks and the employees will be on put on paid vacation. Having not been with the company long enough to warrant this, Sylvia is nonetheless given a paid vacation like all the others.  If she had quit, she would not have gotten this “bonus”.  She quit after her vacation.


    How about that !  How can dreams know?

    It’s too much” how they know past and future !  It’s really amazing how they prove to be right  !

    Sylvia then decides to ask her dreams a question :

    - What are dreams?


    We will see the answer next time.

    Meanwhile do you remember Nathalie’s incubation (Chapter 2; 02/16/ 2011) :  She made the same inquiry as Sylvia. She was so astonished by her dreams that she asked them several questions one night.

    - My dreams, who are you ?

    - Is it God answering in dreams ?

    - And even does  God exist ? 

    dream, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation,incubation:what are dreams ,  


    I thank the artists for their illustrations listed in order of their presentation :

    Blond woman : sosuneterrienneendetresse.centerblog.net

    Greatly vexed : sosuneterrienneendetresse.centerblog.net

    ?  : lunettesrouge.blog.lemonde.fr





    Last time we saw how my dream brought me to understand how flippant I was with my repeated incubations.  I realized that the unconscious is a friend that one should not inconvenience.  It gives us the information that it deems necessary and then it’s up to us to make our decisions. 

    God gave us conscious faculties, the intelligence with the capacity to reflect, analyze and judge and the feelings.  Using them, we can make a choice. So it is lazy to prefer to incubate a dream.  Help is provided by a dream only when our conscious means are no longer sufficiant to help us because the solution is beyond the conscious’ reach.


    Here today is a beautiful dream that illustrates this.

    This dream came to Anna at a time in her life when she faced a particularly difficult career decision, a perplexing choice between two completely opposite positions :


    dreams, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation



    I am with the Virgin Mary, whom I know to be my close friend.


    dreams, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation 


    Mary asks about what is going on in my life. When I tell her of my pending career decision, Mary insists that we go to see a psychic named Ruth. I am reluctant to see a psychic.


     dreams, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation


















    But Mary assures me that this one is so good that years earlier she has predicted the immaculate conception, Mary’s marriage to Joseph, and the resurrection of Jesus.That makes me feel more comfortable.

     dreams, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation



    dreams, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation



    When we meet Ruth, I am very impressed – Ruth is everything an enlightened being should be.



    dreams, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation

    I pose my career-choice question to the psychic, only to get this response :

    - What a wonderful opportunity you have, and I know you’ll make the right decision !



    The dream does not give any answer, but it exerts a stimulating effect on the dreamer, who by then has understood that the decision belongs to her. Even the best psychic cannot help her. And why would she do it, since Anna has within her the capacity to make her own decision ?


    What a wonderful opportunity to trust one self and take the decision without incubation !



    dreams, dream interpretation,christiane riedel,judith saint laurent,dream incubation




    Dreams, Tonight’s Answers for Tomorrow’s Questions, Mark Thurston, Harper and Row, Publishers, San Francisco, p.99




    I thank the artists for their illustrations listed in order of their presentation :

    Perplexed woman : befully.com

    Mary : Sonia Rolland, Miss France, actualite-portail.free.fr

    A psychic : love-whoami.blogspot.com

    Announce to Mary by the English painter and poet Dante Gabriel Rosetti, 1828-1882

    Resurrection by the German painter and engineer Mathias Grünewald

    The psychic Ameline: lesmeilleursvoyants.fr

    Castle on River, 1820, by the German painter and architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel