Hi, dear Blog friends,
what a joy for me to get back in touch with you after my long absence since 2013!
After the 2013 summer holidays, I was coming back to my normal activities when in October I received a dream that shook me.
Dream: "That's enough! You need time for your book!"
In my dream, I'm cooking food. It is crowded, and I work a lot in the kitchen and at the table to feed people. My father arrives. He is my father and even better. He has huge shoulders. He says to me in an imperative and almost unhappy tone:
- That's enough! Enough of preparing food for the others! Enough of your feeding others! You need time for your book!
I woke up stunned, happy, grateful. I decided to stop all my activities where "I fed others", to have time to write a book. For this book had been waiting for a long time. The publisher of the Piktos house had asked me in 2007 to write a book whose title could be: "The Therapeutic Dream". It took me 7 years of work to accumulate the material and reach the maturity necessary to write it and explain with dreams the highly therapeutic process of alchemy.
This book, Ces rêves qui vous protègent et vous guérissent (These dreams that protect and heal you), was written in 2013 and 2014 and was published in 2015.

Today, seven years later, I come back to you enriched by years of experience with dreams, consultations, non-stop workshops and training seminars, blog, conferences, newspaper articles, interviews in the media... And also...
A great joy...
... Marianne, one of my students, who speaks not only German but also English, has agreed to revive the English blog and to take over the translations of my articles.
I am talking about the very charming Marianne, here she is!

Hi everyone!
I am Marianne Schertenleib, a German teacher here in France. I teach students who attend the two-year highly selective classes to prepare for the competitive exams to the "Grandes Ecoles". I have earned a Master of Arts in German Studies and a Master of Education, both from the Ecole Normale Superieure (Lyon).
I have been interested in dreams since childhood, because I am a sleepwalker, which led to many funny situations! Although I have always been very impressed by the power of dreams, I only discovered recently (in 2015) that dreams have a meaning and a message.
In March 2020, I started studying dream interpretation with Christiane Riedel after reading her book Ces rêves qui vous protègent et vous guérissent (These dreams that protect and heal you). I realised that this approach would allow me to bring together many of my passions: text analysis, translation (but this time not from German to French, but from dream symbols to words), my interest in psychology, my desire to help others who confide in me and my search for the Divine.
I am now very happy to translate Christiane's blog articles into English, because I think that her meticulous work can be useful to many people around the world!
Let me tell you how helpful it has been for me!
When I met Christiane, I suffered from depression. As soon as I started studying my dreams, they embarked me on an incredible alchemical process of transformation: in the course of this process, the dreams advised me for instance to work less, to make love more often, to do more sport, to stop meditating and doing yoga, to defend myself instead of always being the nice girl and to accept the bitter experiences of life because they are fortifying.
After three months, I had recovered my smile and laughter, my joie de vivre, I was devouring life to the full, and I immediately agreed to translate the articles of Christiane's French blog for her English blog.
It is a great joy for me to present my translations to you. I will deliver the first one to you very soon and look forward to getting back to you.
In the passion of dreams I am friendly yours,

"Rêverie" ("Dreaming") by the Czech painter Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939), who lived in Paris during the Art Nouveau period, in the early twentieth century: https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/660199626598174579/