How to use this blog (01/05/2011)
In the TOP MENU of the page you will find:
About us: Here we introduce ourselves.
Archives: organised by categories, months or tags
Links to Christiane's French website and blog and to our Facebook page.
The white envelope on the blue section right under the blog title enables you to contact us.
In the WHITE PART of the page you can:
Read my essays:
You have my latest text before your eyes.
To read the preceding ones bring the scrolling bar down. The same topic is sometimes covered successively over several chapters.
Make a comment:
At the end of each essay, you find the permalink, the tags and at the end the word "comments". Click on the word "comments".
Then go to the grey area just under the text, there you will find the form to write your comment. Send it!
In the GREY BACKGROUND of the page on the left side, or DOWN BELOW on a smartphone (scroll all the way down), you will find:
The envelope under our pictures:
Click on it and it enables you to contact us.
The Newsletter:
You can sign up to be informed when a new article is posted on the blog or you can cancel your registration.
The search field:
You can find all the essays where the word you are looking for appears. If you want a more accurate search for a symbol, just click on the category "Index of the symbols".
The Categories:
It gives a list of the different aspects of the blog, for example:
How to use this blog
The index of symbols:
It gives you a list of symbols with the links to the different essays where you will find them explained in relation with the dream in which they appear.
The list of the different topics exposed on the blog:
You can explore each topic and click on the links to the different essays that relate to it.
The journal of the blog:
We will present various news concerning the blog, our activities and our interventions in the medias.
How to book a dream interpretation session:
Everything you need to know if you want to have your dream interpreted - in French, English or German.
Recent essays:
Under this heading the recent dream studies and interventions are listed. Click on a title to have access to the corresponding text.
The Archives:
Click to find all the texts organised by categories, months or tags.
Recommended Links:
Here is the link to my French website and blog and also links that I recommend.
My three books, published only in French, are presented here.
17:56 | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: dream interpretation, christiane riedel, christiane riedel dream interpreter, blog use, how to use this blog
comments tests by PC form@tion
Posted by: Christiane RIDEL | 01/06/2011